A board game for the entire family
„A modern guide to society, or, social life as a game, in style and faux pas free“
About social quiz
This is a board game that can be played anytime, anywhere and with anyone. You can make an evening of it at home with friends or family, as well as when travelling by plane, car or train.
The game will test your knowledge of local and foreign social rituals in more than 700 quiz questions. Have fun and acquire a useful mentor that will make your life easier, albeit in a playful way.
The aim of the game is simple!
The first one to collect 10 cards for correctly answered questions is the winner. The game can be played by 2 to 6 players from ages 8 and up, with one round lasting approximately 30 minutes.
Order the game
If you are interested, just fill out the order form below or send us an e-mail with an enquiry to info@epaprague.com and we’ll send it to you right away.
The price of the game is CZK 490. Have fun and good luck!